The Future is in the Past

The influence of ancient Greece stretches far and wide. As a society, our architecture, arts, and modus operandi all have integral aspects rooted in the Greek culture. Little things like umbrellas, screws and anchors and more complex systems like Geometry, the peer jury system and medicine all stem form the Greek way of life. Its influence is so far-spread that it’s not farfetched to say something within a mile radius of your location has its roots in Greek culture. The impact of the Greek culture has contributed to the advancement of the modern society in both direct and subtle ways and is so far extended into our culture that we see its influence everywhere.

One of the most influential aspects of the Greek culture is their architecture, specifically, the Parthenon. Considering its importance in relation to the religion of Athens at the time, it’s fair to say the Parthenon was the most significant structure in Ancient Greece. Among all the magnificent structures atop the Acropolis, the Parthenon stood the tallest at over 101ft. Its significance was also stressed by its elaborate and unique art pieces along its pediment and metope. In regards to the Idea of representing structural significance through height and unique elements, the Parthenon is canonical.

The photograph above is a picture of Rounds Hall, the tallest structure in Plymouth State University, which holds so much significance pertaining to the culture of the college. Similar to the Parthenon, the significance of this building is stressed not only by size, but also from its uniqueness. The Wall clock sets it apart from the other numerous building on the Plymouth state campus. There are many more building like this, especially in major cities like New York. This in its self, is an example of the influence of ancient Greece on modern culture.

Outside of these more direct influences, there are more subtle ways in which our culture is influenced by ancient Greece. When an individual is trying to be innovative, the first creation is judged on execution of the primary goal. As time goes on, primary execution becomes expected and efficiency and aesthetics takes the front seat. This pattern can be observed in most areas, especially, the engineering and technological fields with cars, planes and computers. This idea of always striving to improve and to innovate can be seen in ancient Greece in relation to Architecture, specifically, the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders. Throughout the progression of these orders, we see a steady improvement not only in structural capacity, but also in aesthetics. The capital of the columns become more complex, the designs along the frieze became more free flowing and dynamic and the column structures themselves became art pieces as seen in the temple of Athena Nike. The idea of the expression of creativity through innovation is an ancient Greece influence, present in every modern setting.

Th very fabric of society as we know it, is built by a coalition of years and years of cultural expression and innovation. This is an undoubted fact that we are reminded of everyday when we look around. The next time you find yourself looking for ways to impact the future, try looking in the past.

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